How to make Fake News – Video by Bulgarian Students

How to create Fake news – A short video made by Bulgarian students in the frame of the Fairnews Erasmus + Project. Stopping the spread of fake news is a complex challenge that requires a multi-faceted approach involving education, media literacy, responsible journalism, and critical thinking. Click on the image to watch the video […]

Media Literacy Days 2023 in Bulgaria- You Can Join Now!

If you are interested in media literacy, news, journalism and media or you would just like to join a campaign with a big social impact, you are in the right place. You can join or benefit from the Media Literacy Days. What are the Media Literacy Days? The Media Literacy Coalition organizes an annual campaign […]

Forbes Magazine- Bulgaria is looking for Young Entrepreneurs

Forbes Magazine- Bulgaria is looking for Young Entrepreneurs

“It’s never too early to become an entrepreneur! Sign up!” That’s the motto of a new contest for young people of Forbes Magazine- Bulgaria. The magazine is looking for young people who have interesting new ideas, their own business or are willing to become entrepreneurs. The aim of the contest is to find young entrepreneurs […]