Erasmus + Fair News Final Conference

On Thursday 16/05/2024, 9:30 AM, the final event of the Erasmus+ Project Fair News will be held in the beautiful halls of Palazzo Pucci, Via dei Pucci 2, Florence.

The Final Conference will see the partners give back and narrate the results obtained from the more than two years of the project. Olivia Salimbeni of Spazio Reale Formazione and Nerina Finetto of Traces&Dreams will introduce the project and its context, and present the Project Results. Representatives of our partners in Austria, Bulgaria, Italy and Romania will describe the work with high schools in their countries undertaken their schools to build students’ competencies and confidence in Media and Information Literacy.

The morning will be attended by:

Cristina Grieco, President of INDIRE (the National Institute for Documentation, Innovation and Educational Research. INDIRE is the Italian Ministry of Education’s oldest research organisation and the Italian National Agency for Erasmus+).

Bernard Dika, coordinator Giovanisì Project, the Tuscany Region project for the autonomy of young people.

Giampaolo Marchini, President of the Association of Journalists.

At the end of the event, around 12:30 AM, the launch of the digital FairNewspaper, the newspaper created for and by the young students will be forecast.

The event will be live streamed and available here:

An important family history

Palazzo Pucci is located a few steps from the Duomo, on via de’ Pucci (named after the palace), and consists of three portions, two of which still belong to the Pucci family. The building has an important history, evidenced today by many precious works of art.

The first part of the palace dates back to 1480, when Antonio Pucci purchased the area’s houses and gardens. Subsequently, there were extensions and architectural improvements performed by illustrious architects and artists, starting from 1525.

In 1901, the building was declared a national artistic heritage site by Direzione Generale delle Antichità e Belle Arti (The General Directory of Antiquities and Fine Arts).

What makes the Palace famous, in addition to the charm of the large frescoed salons, is the criminal case associated with the walled-up window that remains a witness to the “conspiracy of the Pucci”. The Pucci family was allied to the Medici leadership for a long time until 1560, when Pandolfo Pucci took part in the conspiracy against Grand Duke Cosimo I. A killer was supposed to assassinate the Grand Duke right in front of the Palace as he walked to the religious celebrations in the Basilica, in the Piazza della Santissima Annunziata. Pandolfo Pucci was discovered and hanged along with his accomplices, and the window from which the assassin was placed was walled forever, in memory of the event and for the punishment of the family. The window is still walled up and can be seen on the ground floor, at the corner with via dei Servi.

The Palazzo is now owned by the Archdiocese of Florence, which, after about 40 years of closure, has restored the third part of the palace. Thanks to the contributions of Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio of Florence, the Archdiocese has returned it to the city, entrusting its commercial management to Spazio Reale Eventi Firenze.

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