Media Literacy Days 2023 in Bulgaria- You Can Join Now!

If you are interested in media literacy, news, journalism and media or you would just like to join a campaign with a big social impact, you are in the right place. You can join or benefit from the Media Literacy Days.

What are the Media Literacy Days?

The Media Literacy Coalition organizes an annual campaign called Media Literacy Days throughout the first part of the year. This year (2023) they will host the sixth edition in a row.

When Does the Campaign Take Place?

The Media Literacy Campaign will last for seven months, from March 15th, 2023 to October 15th, 2023.

When Kinds of Activities are Included in the Campaign?

The Media Literacy Campaign will include trainings for adults, teachers, and students, educational resources, webinars with foreign media literacy experts, researchers, and journalists, a national media campaign, and promotion of the methods and training programs of the Media Literacy Coalition and its member projects. The Big Data for Smart Society Institute (GATE) projects will also be a focus, especially webinars, seminars, and trainings in the field of disinformation study. GATE also leads the project to create the Bulgarian-Romanian Observatory for Digital Media (BROD) and helps with the work of the European Observatory for Digital Media, which puts media and information literacy at the center of its work.

The list of the activities and events that will be part of Media Literacy Days 2023 as well as a calendar can be found here.

How to take part in the Campaign?

If you are working on a project about media and information literacy, digital citizenship, or digital skills, or if you are planning an event in this area, or if you want to be a partner by providing informational support, please contact the organizers at

Pictures are taken from the Media Literacy Coalition and Media Literacy Coalition website.

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